Seattle based artist Barbara Robertson is known
primarily for her work in experimental printmaking. Over the last
ten years, she has expanded her practice to include digital animation,
installations, paintings and mixed media works on paper. Awards
for her work include grants from the Seattle Office of Arts and
Culture City Artists program, 4Culture Individual Artists award,
4Cullture Artists Projects grants, Artists Trust GAP grant, a
KALA Art Institute Fellowship, the Neddy Fellowship from the Behnke
Foundation and Oxbow, Seattle residency in 2018. In 2004 her work
was included in Events, a collaboration with the Merce
Cunningham Dance Company, Joyce Theater, New York. In 2012, her
work in animation was exhibited at the 4Cutlure Electronic Gallery
in Seattle, in 2012 at aproject space in Seattle,
Washington, at Trykk 17 Art Center, in Stavanger, Norway and at
the Eleftherias Art Center in Athens, Greece. In the winter of
2013, her animation Three Phases, was exhibited on
a large outdoor screen at the Gates Foundation in Seattle. In
2014, three animations and one work on paper were part of a large
special exhibition at the Tacoma Art Museum, titled Ink
This! Contemporary Print Art in the Northwest. Robertson's
work shown in 2014-2016 as part of "The Intersection Between
Science, Art and Technology" exhibition at the American Embassy
in Bern, Switzerland. In 2015, her work in animation and print
was exhibited at "Impact", Hangzhou, China. Three animations
were shown in 2016 and 2018 at 4Cullture's E4C electronic gallery
and at the Gates Foundation Seattle Headquarters. Robertsons
work is included in private and public collections including the
State of Washington Percent for Art, King County Public Art Collection,
the City of Seattle Portable Works Collection, Harborview Medical
Center, Tacoma Art Museum, University of Washington Special Collections,
US Trust and Safeco Corporation, Scripps College and the University
of Washington Special Collections. She has a Master of Fine Arts
degree from the University of Washington, Seattle. She established
the print art program at Pratt Fine Arts Center in Seattle and
served for six years on Pratts board of directors. She is
the founder and past president of Seattle Print Arts. In 2016
she curated and organized a satellite exhibition in conjunction
with the Seattle Art Fair, In Context exhibiting large
scale work by thirteen regional artists. In winter 2017 she produced
an installation of six site specific projected animations at Oxbow
Art Space in Seattle. Her work was recently on display at the
Tacoma Art Museum as part of the Familiar Faces & New
Voices: Surveying Northwest Art exhibition and at Zinc Contemporary
Gallery, Seattle.